DrKumo Academy

Patient-Centered Communication

RPM 212 - Patient or person-centered communication is a type of communication that effectively treats patients with care and concern.  Learn how to build trust, recognize and embrace diversity, and successfully communicate while using remote patient monitoring.

· March 28, 2023

Trainees will be able to converse with the care provider on behalf of patients who use RPM. At the end of the badge, trainees will be able to do the following: 

  1. Engage in Active Listening 
  1. Practice empathy  
  1. Demonstrate how to build trust 
  1. Recognize and respect diversity 
  1. Distinguish between clear communication as opposed to unclear statements 
  1. Differentiate behaviors that lead/not lead to Collaborative Decision Making 
  1. Engage in RPM communication needs 
  1. Assess when patients need to call (or get a call from) a doctor  
  1. Communicate with the doctor or nurse practitioner  
  1. Be able to interpret care changes, if any  
  1. Reset the DMP settings, if necessary  
  1. Continue to monitor patient by conversing about the changes and educating the patient, if necessary 

Time Estimate: 3 hours

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 20 Topics
  • 27 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate